Sunday 13 June 2010

Garlic and bread soup

Wet garlic is appearing in the veg boxes from Riverford at the moment. It looks a bit like a spring onion, but has a mild garlic flavour. It is delicious in this soup, which really couldn't be simpler to make. The recipe is adapted from Fergus Henderson's "Beyond Nose to Tail". Henderson uses 8 heads of garlic to 1 litre of stock; I used most of the stem and got away with only 6 heads, just be careful not to use the fibrous part. The recipe calls for the soup to be passed through a mouli - I don't have one, so I whizzed it up in a liquidizer instead.
Fergus Henderson's New Season Garlic and Bread Soup

  • 8 heads wet garlic, sliced
  • 1 litre chicken stock
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • yesterday's bread, crusts removed, cut into 1" cubes
Place the garlic and chicken stock in a pan, bring to a boil, and simmer gently until the garlic is soft (about 40 minutes). Liquidize until smooth, then push through a sieve (the fibrous parts will be left behind). Return to the pan and reheat, season to taste, and add the bread to warm through at the last minute. Enjoy!

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