Wednesday 31 March 2010

Salmon fillet, hollandaise sauce

Salmon fillet cooked sous vide (30 minutes at 48℃) and served with hollandaise sauce. Unfortunately I let the hollandaise  get too cold so it started to split when it hit the hot plate - mostly a cosmetic problem, as it tasted fantastic.

There's a bit of a back-story here too: I split the sauce completely first time round, but managed to rescue it by starting with a fresh egg yolk and whisking in the split sauce. While I was rescuing the sauce, I let the broccoli overcook slightly (you can tell from the colour). The salmon took no harm with an extra 5 minutes in the water bath. Meat is very forgiving when cooked sous vide, and can be held for an hour or more; with fish you have about 10 minutes leeway, giving you just enough time to rescue a split sauce.

It's great to see the start of the English purple sprouting broccoli season, and the carrots from Riverford are still very tasty. The new potatoes are from France, a variety called exquisa, and are delicious simply steamed. I didn't put any butter on the vegetables here: the hollandaise is almost 70% butter, after all, and is perfect for dipping your potatoes.

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